M Teresa
How does other people´s rude beahaviour make your feel taken aback?
Jan 24, 2016 1:46 PM
Comments · 4

I try of ignore people who behave like that.Only polite people are viewed as human beings and respected.


January 24, 2016

I hate rudeness, inconsideration and arrogance.   Most of my life I gave the offender a good telling off or at least an eye roll, but now I realize at my age, that their behavior says more about them than it does about me, so I do my best to avoid being in situations where the behavior or words of others disturb me.


When I can't I try to get over my anger as quick as possible.

January 24, 2016

That´s right. 

January 24, 2016

My feed back to a rude behaviour depends on who has perform such this behaviour.... 


January 24, 2016