Looking Tamil videos with Tamil subtitles On YouTube I can find Tamil videos with English subtitles. I can find English videos with Tamil subtitles. But I can't find Tamil videos with Tamil subtitles. Do you have any suggestions where I can find Tamil videos with Tamil subtitles?
Mar 23, 2019 3:07 AM
Comments · 4
Hello Steven, I have both Tamil and English YouTube channels. Links are here:

July 16, 2020
My name is sivapriya from tamilnadu.Iam interested in being a language exchange partner.
July 7, 2020
In YouTube if a video has annotations try auto translate it to Tamil under settings for Tamil videos. Unfortunately Tamil translations are not accurate but you will find it satisfactory. Also you can try searching for Tamil songs with lyrics might have it hard-subbed in Tamil like the following video.
May 13, 2019
Hai ,i am native tamil speaker.i eager to learn english.can we share our language.
March 23, 2019