Looking for english and french native speakers to be my conversation partners. Hi everyone, I'm looking for people who want to do an exechange. I'm not a teacher, but I can help you with your portuguese. It would be a pleasure. 
Mar 27, 2019 3:11 PM
Comments · 4
I can help in french. English i also want to practice
March 28, 2019

Can we have conversation in English. 
March 27, 2019
Ola ! Eu sou francês te posso ajudar com o francês e tambem inglés, estou aprendendo português ja falou bastante bem mas tenho que practicar
Deixa um mensagem. À bientôt :) !
March 27, 2019
Hey there! I can help you with english if you want
March 27, 2019