I have insomnia. I don't know exactly why I have insomnia, but I have. Unfortunately. Do you have such a problem? What do you do if you have insomnia? Plese don't offer to count sheeps. :) Sure it's a great opportunity to write down in italki, but maybe there are some other ways to fall asleep.
Apr 12, 2019 12:29 AM
Comments · 8
I recomend you to practice meditation, you have insomnia because you can't stop thinking, and that's what you need to do, to stop worrying

You may have some pending issues in mind

April 12, 2019
Hello! I have problems sleeping, but I use melatonin. It's natural, but you can't use it all the time or you will get a headache haha! It's possible to have strange dreams, but I don't mind it!
April 12, 2019
I had the problem like this - I couldn't make myself go to bed earler and didn't sleep for a long time. that's why I could't wake up early in the morning. I did meditations, it helped. it's a good practice. Once I heard a lecture of  doctor Torsunov (he is a writer and a lector) about the regimen of day. He tells about the importance of early waking up and how it's affect the life and future. His recomendations helped me to stick to a routine. Also I began to run in the morning and now I can sleep at night. I think the reason of my insomnia was the breaking of regime of day.
April 12, 2019
Go for a walk before bed time and do not use your smartphones before going to sleep. You will sleep well:)
April 12, 2019
How long have you been having insomnia? How many hours do you spend on your computer and your phone everyday?
April 12, 2019
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