Ahsanul Irfan
'She is not wanting to eat more.' Is this sentence correct to say? She is not wanting to eat more.' Is this sentence correct to say?
Apr 14, 2019 6:05 AM
Comments · 4

It isn't wrong, but it is not standard English, either.  In standard English, 'want' would be a stative verb here, used to describe a state rather than an activity. The 'correct' form should be She doesn't want to eat any more.

That said, the non-standard 'She is not wanting' may well be  acceptable among English speakers in Bangladesh.  I'm aware that continuous tenses are often used in the Indian subcontinent in contexts where standard English would use the simple aspect.

April 14, 2019
It's correct but sounds a bit rigid. I'd say 'she doesn't want to eat more' or 'she's had enough to eat'. 
April 14, 2019
Some Verbs  are not normally used in the continuous form
April 14, 2019
I think it's wrong
April 14, 2019