what are you learning in your spare time?想问你们在业余时间在学什么?

Hi, i'm an English learner. Recently, i've been thinking about  how to make my spare time meaningful, so i want to learn sth. and i wonder what do you guys usually do in your spare time. are you satisfied with your life?

Jun 7, 2014 7:55 AM
Comments · 3


Hello Mary:


   In my spare time, I am taking  lessons from an Italki Teacher  on the subject of

Diagramming Sentences.


  I also study philosophy as much as possible.


   Other things I do  involve  continually looking for lesson materials that will help  students practice English.   For example, I am currently  typing out the verbal dialogue on a  YouTube video so that students can study the comedy dialogue.  I often   provide the lyrics to songs  so that students of English can easily understand what they are hearing when they practice listening to a song in English.


   I have other interests.  Most of my reading is non-fiction.  How about yourself  Mary?

June 9, 2014

I'm trying to learn Korean recently. I find it interesting to learn something new.


June 9, 2014

when you have o lot of spare time, it begings to loose its value. So to make spare time meaningfull there is just one way - to have many problems to solve and when any your hobby will be equil to the rest thing you do

June 7, 2014