许多代别人炒股的黑基金血本无归 许多代别人炒股的黑基金血本无归 怎么翻译? 你丫的等着 "丫的" 是什么意思?
Oct 16, 2008 8:03 AM
Answers · 7
黑基金我就不知道了 不过"丫的"意思没那么过分 没有fuck那么强烈 就是北京话里的俚语 有时候好朋友开玩笑也会用到这一句 楼主千万别想歪了
October 16, 2008
哈哈 我还对丫的有兴趣,丫的很顺口 大部分的我们也不知道是什么意思,但肯定不是fuck 也不是 你娘的 第一次看到是《梦里花落知多少》 说起来很酷 具体意思应该根据具体语境吧
October 16, 2008
我不知道"你丫的"是什么意思,但肯定不是F word,也不是“你娘"的意思.也有朋友这样说过我,应该就是同龄人开玩笑的一种说法.
October 16, 2008
你丫的,就是你他娘的意思。 抄股很亏的。。
October 16, 2008
黑基金 means a fund which is illegal, at that time, people thought investing in funds were the best way of investment, much better than putting the money in bank, so some illegal groups take advantage of people's "greed" (黑基金 is said low risk,high profit like 200%), and claim its a good fund, like american MCAN fund, or Swiss Blah Blah...or just in the name of a big fund company without their knowledge to swindle out of their savings, ripping off people. in the end, 血本无归 which means not only didnt people obtain any so called profits, but also their original capital, in a cruel/sad way. Y的 is kind of defaming people, fool/play around them,look down upon them, in a mega rude way.
October 16, 2008
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