ехать, поехать, ездить, поездить Please take a look the following sentences, are they correct? what exactly are the differences in meaning and nuances? ехать - Мы ехали в зоопарк вчера. We were going to the zoo yesterday. (maybe for some reason we didn't arrive at zoo) поехать - Мы поехали в зоопарк вчера. We went to the zoo yesterday (we arrived at the zoo, and then went back) ездить - Мы ездили в зоопарк вчера. We were traveling to zoo yesterday. ( maybe we were traveling several times between zoo and home?,) поездить - Мы поездили в зоопарк вчера. We traveled to zoo yesterday. (maybe we traveled several times back and forth between zoo and home?) Thanks
Feb 27, 2017 4:38 AM
Answers · 8
Мы поездили в зоопарк вчера. - It is not right. It does not say. The rest of the proposals are correct.
February 27, 2017
1) Мы ехали в зоопарк вчера. (Describing the process of going to the zoo. But the sentence is incomplete. Actually it requires some extra information. For example: Мы ехали в зоопарк вчера, когда пошёл дождь/когда ты позвонила. -- We were going to the zoo yesterday, when it started raining/when you called.) No matter if they arrived there at last or not. 2) Мы поехали в зоопарк вчера. (We went to the zoo yesterday.) But you can't be sure they arrived at the zoo or not. Maybe it was closed yesterday. They just went to it. 3) Мы ездили в зоопарк вчера. (It's more like: We were at the zoo yesterday but not completely the same) Now it is more probable they finally get to the zoo. But still there can be reasons for not entering it. To be sure they were at the zoo, you should say: Мы были в зоопарке вчера. 4) Мы поездили в зоопарк вчера (Incorrect). To indicate they were going back and forth -- Мы несколько раз ездили в зоопарк вчера (We went to the zoo several times yesterday). You can use form "поездить" in the sense of travelling for a long time: Поездить по стране, по свету -- travel through the country, been around the world.
February 27, 2017
From student to student: making a long story short, normal verbs have two aspects, motions verbs have three (not four), so: читать/прочитать: imperfective (progressive or multiple) vs. perfective (achieved and single) ехать/ездить/поехать: progressive imperfective vs. multiple imperfective vs. perfective So the decision making is: 1. Done with a result? YES: GOTO 2; NO: Use progressive imperfective 2. One time or one direction? YES: Use prefective; NO: use multiple imperfective It often helps me with basic motion verbs.
February 27, 2017
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