Learn Russian online with experienced tutors
At italki, we have a large selection of experienced Russian tutors who can teach you the language from scratch or help you take your skills to the next level. Our online Russian classes and courses cater to learners of all levels, and are tailored to your individual needs and goals.
200 Lessons
Ekaterina Krisanova
Professional Russian teacher with multicultural experience. My mission is to build understanding I've been teaching Russian since 1998. For 18 years I was working for the Lomonosov Moscow State University. For the last 19 years I've been conducting individual lessons of Russian. I teach Russian for different levels and proceed from individual needs and goals of my attendees: - Russian from zero - Russian to communicate in daily life situations - business Russian and other professional goals (foreign affears etc) - training for different TRFL tests - holding TRFL tests - teaching to read Russian literature in the original