6 janvier 2023
第四个行星是一个实业家的星球。 The fourth planet belonged to a businessman. 这个人忙得不可开交,小王子到来的时候,他甚至连头都没有抬一下。 This man was so much occupiedthat he did not even raise his head at the little prince's arrival. 小王子对他说:“您好。您的烟卷灭了。” "Good morning," the little prince said to him. "Your cigarette has gone out." 三加二等于五。五加七等于十二。十二加三等于十五。 Three and two make Five. Five and seven make twelve. Twelve and three make Fifteen. 你好。十五加七,二十二。二十二加六,二十八。 Good morning. Fifteen and seven make twenty-two.Twenty-twoand six make twenty-eight. 没有时间去再点着它。 I haven't time to light it again. 二十六加五,三十一。 Twenty-six and Five make thirty-one. 哎哟!一共是五亿一百六十二万二千七百三十一。 Phew! Then that makes Five-hundred-and-one-million,six-hundred-twenty-two-thousand, seven-hundred-thirty-one. “五亿什么呀?”小王子问。 "Five hundred million what?" asked the little prince. 嗯?你还待在这儿那? Eh? Are you still there? 五亿一百万,我也不知道是什么了。我的工作很多! Five-hundred-and-one million, I can't stop, I have so much to do! 我是很严肃的。 I am concerned with matters of consequence. 我可是从来也没有功夫去闲聊!二加五得七… I don't amusemyself with balderdash. Two and Five make seven... “五亿一百万什么呀?”小王子重复问道。 "Five-hundred-and-one million what?" repeated the little prince, 一旦他提出了一个问题,是从来也不会放弃的。 who neverin his life had let go of a question once he had asked it. 这位实业家抬起头说。 The businessman raised his head. 我住在这个星球上五十四年以来,只被打搅过三次。 During the Fifty-four years that I have inhabited this planet, I have been disturbed only three times. 第一次是二十二年前,不知从哪里跑来了一只金龟子来打搅我。 The First time was twenty-two years ago, when some giddy goose fell from goodness knows where. 它发出一种可怕的噪音, He made the most frightful noise that resounded all over the place, 使我在一笔帐目中出了四个差错。 and I made four mistakes in my addition. 第二次,在十一年前,是风湿病发作, 因为我缺乏锻炼所致。 我没有功夫闲逛。我可是个严肃的人。 现在…这是第三次! 我计算的结果是五亿一百万… 几百万什么? 这位实业家知道要想安宁是无望的了,就说道: 几百万个小东西,这些小东西有时出现在天空中。 苍蝇吗? Flies? 不是,是些闪闪发亮的小东西。 Oh, no. Little glittering objects. 是蜜蜂吗? Bees? 不是,是金黄色的小东西,这些小东西叫那些懒汉们胡思乱想 我是个严肃的人。我没有时间胡思乱想。
Chaîne de podcasts
小王子-The Little Prince-Read in Chinese