Kelly Wang
Would anyone like to practice Spanish or Portuguese? I'm very beginner in both but I can practice English French or Mandarin in exchange! Thank you
2 déc. 2020 16:10
Commentaires · 40
I definely would like, If you're interested in having a conversation with a Young boy from São Paulo, Brazil, well, here i am hahaha
2 décembre 2020
Hi Kelly, I can help you with Portuguese :) Text me on italki in case you would like that
2 décembre 2020
Hi my native language is Spanish. We can practice.
2 décembre 2020
Hi Kelly, I can help you with your Spanish. Let me know if you are interested. I want to practice my english. Nico
3 décembre 2020
Hi, how are you? If you can practice English with me and same practice Spanish (I'm from Colombia) Write me I wait your message Bye
3 décembre 2020
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