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Test Your Vocabulary with our #WordOftheDayChallenge! Construct a sentence using our word of the day. Teachers and Learners are welcome to join in and give sample sentences! Have fun learning! May 23, 202 Word of the Day : gadfly noun GAD-flye Definition 1 : any of various flies (such as a horsefly, botfly, or warble fly) that bite or annoy livestock 2 : a person who stimulates or annoys other people especially by persistent criticism Examples "One of a handful of well-known corporate gadflies, she often cut a distinctive figure, appearing in costumes that she thought would underscore her messages to company leaders. For an American Broadcasting Company meeting in 1966, not long after the network's campy series 'Batman' had its premiere, she wore a Batman mask; for a meeting of U.S. Steel shareholders in 1968, she wore an aluminum dress." — Emily Flitter, The New York Times, 7 Nov. 2018 Did You Know? The history of gadfly starts with gad, which now means "chisel" but which formerly could designate a spike, spear, or rod for goading cattle. Late in the 16th century, gad was joined with fly to designate any of several insects that aggravate livestock. Before too long, we began applying gadfly to people who annoy or provoke others. One of history's most famous gadflies was the philosopher Socrates, who was known for his constant questioning of his fellow Athenians' ethics, misconceptions, and assumptions. In his Apology, Plato describes Socrates' characterization of Athens as a large and sluggish horse and of Socrates himself as the fly that bites and rouses it. Many translations use gadfly in this portion of the Apology, and Socrates is sometimes referred to as the "gadfly of Athens." Do you know any gadflies?
23 mai 2021 13:29