During the distant education it's very hard to me to find a motivation to do something except reading books which aren't connected to my future profession in any case. When the weather is cool I spend much time outside just walking via the forest next to our house or sometimes dating with my gf. Looking forward the end of the pandemia to meet my classmates, who always give me a serious boost of energy I may use for studying
13 févr. 2021 06:55
Corrections · 1
During the course of distant education it's very hard to me to find a motivation to do something except reading books which aren't connected to my future profession in any case. When the weather is cool I spend much time outside just walking via the forest next to our house or sometimes dating with my gf. Looking forward the end of the pandemia to meet my classmates, who always give me a serious boost of energy I may use for studying.
I can relate to you well in this case. Can do anything but studying 😔.🙂
13 février 2021
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