Hi Would you tell me which one of these sentences grammatically ok is? 1- Some journalists go to ridiculous lengths to get their story 2- Some journalists go to ridiculous lengths to get their storIES
27 févr. 2021 11:07
Réponses · 31
Both make sense! Just depends on if you're talking about one particular story or multiple stories.
27 février 2021
Both are correct and natural. I suggest “to get a story” which matches the sense of your two sentences.
27 février 2021
To me #1 sounds more natural. But, both are correct.
27 février 2021
Hey mona it's a great pleasure to connect, both statements mentioned above are grammatically connect but I would rather suggest u to use "extend" instead of length because the respective word seems more appropriate in that specific context hope it helps Thankyou
27 février 2021
Here is how I would write it: Some journalists go through extreme lengths to get their narrative.
27 février 2021
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