1. I aim at mastering English by the end of the 2025 year. 2. The course aims at bachelor graduates. 3. I usually allow for weekends when I put a deadlines for achieveing a certain level in learning a specific language. 4. I sometimes like to act on my uncle’s advice 5. Kids and pets are not allow of.
25 mai 2024 04:10
Corrections · 2
1. I aim to master English by the end of the year 2025. 2. The course is aimed at bachelor graduates. 3. I usually allow for weekends when I put a deadline for achieveing a certain level in learning a specific language. (not I understand this one) 4. I sometimes like to act on my uncle’s advice. 5. Kids and pets are not allowed.
Allow of? didn't undertand that one. Maybe you just mean 'not allowed'.
25 mai 2024 05:39
1. I am aiming at mastering English by the end of the 2025 year. 2. The course aims forbachelor graduates. 3. I usually allow for weekends where I put deadlines for achieveing a certain level in learning a specific language. 4. I sometimes act on my uncle’s advice 5. Kids and pets are not allowed in.
25 mai 2024 05:09
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