What slang do you know?

I know idiot box (TV), big daddy (important chief) and acid head (addict). And you?:)

28 août 2015 12:22
Commentaires · 5

Interesting, but as GregS has pointed out, those terms are outdated. Using them now would flag you as non-native.  Slang is really about fashion, isn't it? (Oh... and region, and social class...)


TV has also been called "the boob tube", "the box" or even "the teev". Personally, I don't use any of these expressions.


I still use "the big cheese" for bosses, but it sounds a little comical.


An addict is a junkie, and like GregS, I immediately thought of "crack head". Still, that refers to one specific drug and not a general addiction.

28 août 2015

Those slang terms are correct, but they are not used much any more (in the US anyway.)

I cannot think of common slang for television besides just 'TV'.


'big daddy' actually implies more than just a boss. It implies an older, rich man. Slang for a boss could be 'chief' or 'boss-man'.


I guess popular drugs have moved on from acid, now and addict would be a 'crack head'.


Slang is very challenging in a new language. Good luck!


28 août 2015
Hello, i am from Vietnam, i thank i can teach u Vietnamese and i also trying to learn English. Hope you accept
9 février 2020

I know    -Sheilas - women very attractive/ candyman - drug dealer.

These are that I remember now.

28 août 2015

I've rarely heard the term 'idiot box'. It sounds like a term produced by someone with an agenda against television. I've not even sure it would be understood unless the context was really obvious. 

In the UK, 'the box' is used as slang for television in some areas. Also people commonly say 'telly' instead of TV although I would have thought that was used in most places, but maybe not going by Greg's answer above.

Acid is LCD so I'm not so sure acid heads are so common nowadays. Maybe if we were in 1967 rather than 2015.

'Junkie' would be the term to use to describe a drug addict in general. People here call someone who is an alcoholic an 'alky' but I'm not sure if that's a UK only thing.

Predictably drug-related slang is wide and varied, which makes sense the drugs in question are illegal and those who use them don't want certain people to know about it.


28 août 2015