Alessia Pandolfi
idioms with animals in Italian

What does "essere quattro gatti" mean? Or "chi dorme non piglia pesci"?


Let's take a look:


Essere in quattro gatti: literally, it means "to be four cats"....weird, isn't it? Well, the meaning is easy: it just means that we are a small group of people. 


E "Chi dorme non piglia pesci"? Literally means "the one who sleeps, doesn't catch fishes" make it clear: inactivity leads to missing out opportunities!! 


Do you have idioms related to animals in your languages? I am curious to know them! :)

1 oct. 2015 17:59
Commentaires · 2

Hello my name is Giovanni.

muto come un pesce---i don't speak,i don't say a word

furbo come una volpe---sly (or smart) like a fox

hai un coraggio da leone---you have a great courage

fa un freddo cane---it's very cold


2 octobre 2015

I am italian, these sentences are very funny, but i know other idioms about animals, like:


- '' Solo come un cane '' = it' sad, it's a situation when all friends leave you, and you'll become alone.


- '' Avere l'addome con la tartaruga '' = when you go to the gym for many months, and your body it's better than before, so you have a delicious and perfect body without fats on abdomen.


- '' Allora siamo a cavallo '' = description of best situation, when it happens many good things, means that there are good news for the future.

2 octobre 2015