Which accent do you prefer being taught in?

For those learning English, do accents matter? 

8 oct. 2015 11:37
Commentaires · 12

Not really, I like all kinds of accents but I wouldn't be excited to hire a teacher who writes on his/her profile " I have a standard accent or I don't have an accent " because it sounds too boring :P 

8 octobre 2015

I'd prefer British accent.

9 octobre 2015

American accent is cool!

I love it!

I would prefer an American accent to be taught in!

9 octobre 2015

the American English is more standar I believe that,  I am not sure but that's I learned in school.

9 octobre 2015

Yeahh I mean South African accents not African American  lol srry! 

But why there r so many accents in South Africa? And what is the most popular one? 

8 octobre 2015
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