Learning Article: Useful phrases for small talk in Italy

I will be in Italy for one week.  I know this is not sufficient time to learn a language, but I would like to challenge myself a bit.   I would like to know some useful and fundamental phrases I should learn in order to better communicate while on vacation.

22 déc. 2015 03:16
Commentaires · 2

Dear Cordarius,

it's a 1,000,000  dollars question!!!!!!

I'd suggest these few phrases:

"quanto costa?", how much does it cost?

"scusi, dove si trova questa strada/la fermata dell'autobus/ la metropolitana?", Excuse me, where is this street/the bus stop/the subway?

"cerchiamo un posto per mangiare/per dormire", we are looking a place to eat/to sleep

"vorrei della cartoline e dei francobolli", I'd like to buy postcards and stamps

"scusi, puoi aiutarmi?", excuse me, can you help me?

"vorrei un biglietto di sola andata/di andata e ritorno", I'd like a single ticket/round trip

I hope it's so help! They are basic but very useful; there are so many but it's impossibile to tell them: it's depend on your stay's contest.

Little trick but you know, I'm sure: translation software on you handyphone, there are so many!!!!

22 décembre 2015

Thank you so much for the assistance!


22 décembre 2015