nach and noch

Can someone please explain what the two words "noch' and "nach" really mean. I've looked them up in Google Translate and obviously found them in sentences in our program but I still don't get it. It seems to me that sometimes they are added and don't need to be in that particular sentence. I don't know. Please enlighten me!
I also have problems with "doch"

22 janv. 2016 01:31
Commentaires · 4

nach -   Ich fahre nach London(to London) and it is only for cities & countries.........Ich fahre ins Kino(nach can't be used for places within the city,but the exception is Hause)..........nach also means after.....for eg - it is 6:05.....then it'll ist funf nach zechs


noch - sometimes means still.....Is this seat still free?.....Ist der Platz noch frei?

Are you married ---if you are not married,you can say.....noch nicht(not yet)


doch - is used as a filler......If you want to emphasize something.......Das ist doch unhoeflich

doch is also used to answer negative questions......If someone asks me ...........aren't you Vishnu?......Then i would say....instead of saying Ja,ich bin Vishnu.......I should be saying......Doch doch,ich bin Vishnu....


Hope these explanations help.Thank u.


22 janvier 2016

Ja, Ich werde es versuchen (Google Transate) (Ich hoffe, es ist richtig)


Vielen dank



24 janvier 2016


22 janvier 2016

Maybe other dictionaries are more helpfull than google translate:

For example

22 janvier 2016