Are people are more interested in improving neighborhood than in the past?

With the economy develops fast, dwelling plays a more and more important role in our life. With many people take the attitude that people pay more attention to improve the<a name="OLE_LINK2"></a><a name="OLE_LINK1"> neighborhood </a>than in the past, others don not think so. From my own perspective, it is true that human are more interested in improving their community than in the past.<o:p></o:p>

Admittedly, people valued their neighborhood in the past, they want to provide a good environment for their family and themselves, a good neighborhood can bring people happiness and satisfaction.<o:p></o:p>


However, the economy in the past is not as good as now, and people’s living standard is not as high as it now, therefore, people more concentrate on their career on the grounds that they want to earn more money to improve the quality of their family’ life, nothing is more important than earning money, so they do not harbor too much time to focus on their neighborhood.<o:p></o:p>


In addition, people gradually realized the importance of a good neighborhood. Home is a place for people to have a rest, everyone wants to have a good rest after hectic work, a good neighborhood can let them feel relaxed. Also, a good neighborhood has a serious impact on the children and old. Children and old spend most of their time playing or chatting in their neighborhood. A good neighborhood is helpful for their growing and relaxing.

In a word, people pay more attention on improving their dwelling than before, though many people already think of improving their community in the past, due to the limitation of their living standard, they are not as interested in elevating their neighborhood as people now. Also, realizing the importance of a good neighborhood is also an important reason for that.


7 oct. 2016 12:11