Please guys check my essay.. thanks
Many children who are home-schooled are not prepared for the university at the same rate as children in government-funded schools. What do you think are the causes of this? What effects will this have on society?

It is true that the vast majority of school children receiving education at home lag behind those who are studying in schools supported by the government in terms of entrance ration to the university in today's complex society. This essay aims to discuss the root causes and then describe the possible effects of the issue.

There are several crucial reasons for this trend. One primary cause of this issue is that schooling at home would probably bring about children to be not as motivated as the same at schools. This is because the atmosphere at school is totally oriented to the lessons as opposed to classes at home which children are definitely in a cosy ambience. Another contributing factor could be thought that children lack interaction with one another while being educated at home. In other words, children at school sometimes help one another in different subjects or vice versa, there may be a cut-throat competition between them. In any case, both of these cases are likely to be beneficial for them in order to prepare for university.

The possible impacts of this problem on society should not be neglected. First and foremost, it can be argued that distance-learning might definitely be undervalued by people. Of course, it is a more flexible way of studying, however, more school boys and girls may be likely to fall behind with their studies compared to face-to-face classes. The second underlying outcome could be considered that the demand for the public or state schools will increase considerably by society. Although there are some pricey boarding schools, the government has provided public schools with financial aid, which allow people to obtain an education. For example, in my country, there were plenty of Turkish boarding schools which were inexpensive before, then the  fees skyrocketed and the demand for these schools was replaced by state schools.

In conclusion, it is understandable that home-educated might be useful for some people, however, government-aided public schools seem utterly essential for society
1 juin 2020 12:44