Dilara Açıkgöz
I want to improve my English.

I am trying to improve my English in order to participate in EU volunteering projects. I would be very happy if you helped.
24 juin 2020 21:45
Commentaires · 5
Hi there!

My name's Martin.

I collaborate with a group on skype with the sole purpose of exchanging and engaging in a healthy and pure linguistic interaction.

If you're interested, please let me know

We'll add you, we'll learn together and grow together as well!

see you soon 

24 juin 2020
Hi dilara
I struggle to reinforce my english as you so i was added to a skype group for speaking english frequently . As for me there are abundant person in group almost mostly are active and speak frequently so if you are keen and have skype i can add you to group
25 juin 2020
I am not very good at speaking english but we can mutually help each other with practise, if you like reaach out to me, help much appprecited
25 juin 2020
Hi, im Nenad from Europe

I have a very strong US accent , if you love talking and making friends , please send me message and i will give you my contact info.

Looking forward talking with you,

Best regards,


P.S. Dont answer my commend because i wont get a notification and i wont know that you answered it , just send me a message or a friend request and i will answer you as soon as i see it!
25 juin 2020
Hi!!! Nice to meet you! :) I'm a teacher here at Italki and I was an exchange student a few years ago in the USA :) I help people become fluent in a language and integrate easier into the culture, as I speak English daily all the time. I teach a bunch of speaking and grammar courses, so please, feel free to contact me for more information if you are interested or if you will have any questions!
25 juin 2020