Kalimera, greek question

Hey there!

A new question for you guys to answer if you are intrested in Greece...

What do you think about the greek economic and why?

6 mai 2013 18:00
Commentaires · 3


1) Περσεύς means : Ravager . for more information you may look here: <em>http://www.perseus.tufts.edu/hopper/morph?l=pe%2Frqw&la=greek&can=pe%2Frqw0</em>;

and here: <em>http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Perseus</em>;

Ωρίων: maybe it means "heavens light". Scholars are not sure about the etymology of the name, so I cannot say much. for more information : <em>http://en.wiktionary.org/wiki/Orion</em>;

2) If you're interested in ancient Greek history , I think that the cities of Athens , Delphi and the island of Crete are a good choice for you to start.


As far as concerns Greek economy, I think it is a huge subject to discuss here.


28 juillet 2013


I like Greece. I think Greek language is so beautiful as difficult. Can you answer 2-3 my questions about Greece and Greek?
1) I wanna know meanning of this names: Περσεύς & Ὠρίων (names of heroes from Greek mythology. I want to know theirs meanings)
2) What historical places you recommend to visit?


27 juillet 2013

Well I think they should get their Drachma again before they get the country (Greece) into a civil war. Greece Savings Plan is just worsening the economic situation there and the percentage of unemployment is not satisfying. There are also new countries which have the same problem as Greece does. Lots of new parties are getting formed in other EU-countries that are against Euro as the currency of their country and want their previous currency.

6 mai 2013