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Perhaps Only A Slight Nuance

I love you mom. I love you dad.

I really like my brothers, sisters, and cousins.

I love my close friend so much.

I really love this book that inspired me to become a doctor.

I love my memories of owning pets as a child because it inspired me to become a veterinarian.

I really love your new shoes!

I am loving this haircut!

I really like this new phone!

I love this kitchen so much!

I love your new car!

I like this chair so much!

I like my husband.


To love

To like

To really love

To really like

To love so much/a lot

To like so much/a lot


I've always considered "love" to be a very deep and meaningful emotion. I understand that having a passion or strong interest in an activity or profession, for example, could lead to a type of "love" towards it. But, is loving a new pair of pants or a new haircut really the same kind of love felt for special family members, friends, and other true passions that have a strong impact? Living in the United States, sometimes I feel like this word gets thrown around.


"I really love" and "I love (blank) so much" gets used in the same way as "I love" and "I really like." I suppose the word "really" or "so much" adds a little more emphasis. I feel like there isn't a true distinction between that "deep" feeling of love, and simply just "really liking" something. Depending on the situation and the context, I can usually tell if it is a deep affection and passion compared to simply "liking" something. Maybe it is only a slight nuance that I feel, but I think "to really like" and "to love" isn't always the same. Of course, I do understand that love is often shown and actual language isn't always necessary.


What is your opinion? In your native language, or maybe in other languages you speak, is there a better distinction? Native English speakers, what do you think?

16 avr. 2014 19:52
Commentaires · 7

In Italy we mostly use the verbs 'piacere' for like, 'amare' for love, 'voler bene' for love.
For a car it doesnt' sounds well 'Amo la tua macchina' ; 'Mi piace/ Adoro la tua macchina' is more common. Generally we dont say 'Ti amo mamma/papà/amico' but we say 'Ti voglio bene'.
Maybe it is a way not to misuse the word 'love'.
If love is intended as a noun we, as in English, use it more extensively. 

16 avril 2014

Why I feel "Love" is stronger than "really like"?!


By the way , I am really love your post :)

16 avril 2014

I've read your post, what a nice piece of art words! then I've read it twice and still don't know how to give you a commnet even I have a lot of thoughts in my mind.

I will say some then:

- Do you feel Is there any difference between "I love you" and "I really love you so much" ? For me, I don't :) If You could say "I love you", just only these 3 words from your sincere heart, I think it is strong enough.

- If some one said to you "I like you" and other said "I love you", Could you point out the different emotion between two of them. I'm sure you could. So I think You have yourself answeredto your question.


In my language, we use the word "love" only between people, either familial love or romantic love, "I love him/her", "I love my mom"...It is really wierd and awkward when some one says to you in my language: I love your topic (tôi yêu bài viết của bạn), It is rarely use. Well, only saying that when He/she has feeling for you, and instead of saying "I love you", he/she would say "I love your hair" or "I love you notebook".

However, for the word "like", we can use both for things and people, "I like her/him"or "I like your entry". The word "like"  have less emotion than the word "love".



17 avril 2014

My children and I set a house rule to reserve the use of the word "love'' for special circumstance and to distinguish among four types of love based on the Greek words agápe, éros, philía, and storgē.  Here are the four words and the way we choose to use them in our home:

philía-- brotherly love or strong friendship

storgē - parential love

éros-- love for one's spouse

agápe-- love for our heavenly father

17 avril 2014



 Love  can be used in a  casual way.  For example;  "I love this discussion topic!"


  So no, it is not the same as familial love or Romantic   love.


    Those learning English will find  that they are entering an entirely new level when the use more articulate and specific  terminology to express their ideas and feelings.


   One can use words like:   Appreciate,  Admire,  Endorse,   Subscribe to,   "have affection for"

Extol,  Support,   Treasure.


   For example, one of the common sentences  published on, the Book-Selling website,  is this one by reviewers.  "I LOVE THIS BOOK!"      Such exuberant expressions are hardly a  rational analysis of an author's ideas.  In fact,  it usually shows that the reviewer  has no ability to analyze or review a book at all.   So there are good reasons why one should elevate one's self above and beyond such simplistic expressions.


        If you like, I can send you  some of my Advance Vocabulary articles and Lists  which are intended to empower   a  person  who seeks a more articulate self expression.



17 avril 2014
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