Kiyomi Ogawa 小川清美
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Learning Article : The Significance Of The Japanese Word Mottainai

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Have you ever heard the common Japanese phrase もったいない mottainai? I find myself using it almost every day. It is very important and if you haven’t yet heard this expression, we will learn about it in this article...

6 juin 2014 00:00
Commentaires · 10

Thank you for your comment ! I put hiragana.



りょうり     のこ


「病院で  2時間も待った。時間がもったいない」

びょういん じかん ま    じかん


こんな素敵な人、あなたには もったいない

    すてき ひと

たいしたことないのに、彼はいつももったいぶって (もったいつけて) 話す。


              かれ                         はな

10 juin 2014

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8 février 2015



We use the word waste in various ways to convert some these same ideas. "Such a nice gift would be wasted on me." and such, but not quite the same depth of meaning as the Japanese word.


I can't help but think about things in Japan like waribashi, the massive amount of bottled water purchased due to minor flavor differences in perfectly safe and healthy tap water, the use of tsukaesute oshibiri, multiple layers of packaging you have to go through just to get to the individually wrapped items inside, etc. there is an awful lot of waste that much of society never thinks twice about.


Children around the world die every day due to lack of clean drinking water yet we go to the nearest jihanki and grab a bottle of mineral water because when we drink out of the tap somewhere nantonaku tetsu no aji ga suru. Donating that money could literally save someone's life, but we are so zeitaku here that this stuff is all part of daily life and not frowned upon at all.


I know plenty of people who when they travel put bottled water into the hot water heater for the waste to put in their tea, coffee, or cup noodle because the tap water doesn't taste good enough.


I would love to see a campaign to raise awareness and make change here as well!





22 décembre 2014

:)  Thank you...

11 juin 2014

I liked this article a lot.  Could you put hiragana for the kanji, though, please and thank you?  Very interesting in-depth explanation of a word I've heard before but didn't realise was so full of other meanings.

10 juin 2014
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