English is the key

I love my native language very much . It is just a beautiful language, but I think English is the key to communicate with others and learn another language. When I first started to learn English I just fell in love with it , it is easy and lovely, most people nowadays speak it so it is the most perfect way of communication , it is the key

5 juil. 2014 00:16
Commentaires · 5

well here in EGYPT back in my days English was taught in the fourth grade but now it is taught from the first grade even from kindergarten

5 juillet 2014

I can't agree more! It's so easy, and a big part of what we do almost daily. which makes me wonder, how some people doesn't put that much afford into learning it in schools? In Denmark we have it from 3rd grade and up. How is it in other countries?

5 juillet 2014

I think so as you. We are from different countries, we have different native languages but we can communicate in English and understand each other. Its magic for me:-) 

5 juillet 2014

Yeah! You are right.

5 juillet 2014

I totally agree with you. English is the language to know if you want to travel or have more succes in your career. Must of the thing from everywhere around the globe are in English or translate in it. When you know the language you'r connected to the world.

5 juillet 2014