Amy Murphy
Patience is key to language learning

While learning any language we sometimes forget, or perhaps do not realize that patience is what will give us our final result. 


Most of the time, as human beings, we have this ideal that learning anything or getting things done quickly, whether that be daily routines, like cooking or office work, is the best way to go about our lives. This is something that has not only been taught to us by superiors throughout our lives, but it has become something that we have accepted as a truth, as an overall rule of how to do things, at least for most of us.


The problem with that sort of idealism is that you begin to neglect both yourself and what it is that you are learning. You forget about that journal your were writing, about the yoga class you were taking, and even that language you have been studying all your life for. Let me be the first to tell you: Continue doing the things you set out to do and forget about how you have "always" done things, because as we go through these moments in our lives, many changes are coming, and what you have been doing all your life is not going to work anymore.


It is time to do to self-reflection. Really ask yourself, "Have I been dedicating enough time to <em>really </em>learn the things I set out to in the beginning?" If the answer is No, then do yourself the favor of assessing why that is. Ask yourself if you could do it better this time. If you could dedicate more time, if taking time off is an answer for you, then assess how you could continue your learning on your own, whether that be listening to daily podcasts on your way to work or while you brush your teeth, or by reading daily articles out loud to yourself and recording them, be what it may, but let it be!


I ask you to look inside yourself and find the time to study. Find that truth inside yourself that tells you that you must dedicate more time to your language studies, and always remember that your sessions are just a click away.


Thank you for your time, and I look forward to helping you find the answers to your questions.

5 mai 2015 18:14
Commentaires · 4

Certainly, sister:))

5 mai 2015

I think that is true that we can check our schedule and get more time for important things, like learn a new language, and organize us better and spend less time foolishly. But more important is enjoy which you have.

And I think is true too that it is really good to have someone for practice your new language. And if is for free much better : ) You can get grammar from text, but not a good conversation.

6 mai 2015

To each their own, brother.

5 mai 2015

<em>"I ask you to look inside yourself and find the time to study. Find that truth inside yourself that tells you that you must dedicate more time to your language studies,..."</em>


I have just looked inside myself and found that truth that told me that I do not have to dedicate more time to my language study. More time will not make my study more effective, enjoyable:P


Peace be with you!

5 mai 2015