Restarting my studies

So I also posted this as a notebook entry, as I am unsure of where the best place for this is:


So I have been "on and off" with my Chinese study over the past few months and really need to reboot my whole learning process. I am looking for a tutor who can work with me a few times a week. Specifically someone who has, or is wiling to get, "Chinese with Me an Integrated Course Book" as that is the text I will be working from. I am willing to work with anyone, teacher or other students alike, that is looking for a serious language partner. I am willing to pay for the right teacher. If you are a fellow student (Chinese native speaker) who is willing to work with me from this text, I will trade english lessons in a range of topics including engineering and business english, pop-culture, writing assignment corrections, etc. If anyone has friends or knows of individuals who will work with me from the book mentioned above I would greatly appreciate the introduction. Thanks for your time!



30 mai 2015 17:19
Commentaires · 9

Crystal9291 - I just emailed you.  I look forward to working together.


闲着没事吐泡泡 - Unfortunately, I cannot read Hanzi yet.  So I have no idea what that says... At this time I really need language partners that are stronger in their english than I am in my Chinese.  Hopefully some day soon I will be able to help you as well!

2 juin 2015

哥们 你好我来自中国  我能看明白你老家是芝加哥的 现在在圣迭戈 是加州的那个么  哥们如果你需要的话 我愿意教你中文不收钱 其实我也想学英语 我qq397547632  这个相当于 facebook and twitter 期待你联系我 哥们我现居广州老家是东北的 欢迎来中国玩

1 juin 2015

Tom, I just got this book (volume 1, PDF) from the internet. I will be very happy to be your language partner and do my best to help you study Chinese. I get plenty of time this summer. I'm a student who is going to the U.S. for further education this August, so I want to practice speaking English before I go to the U.S. Then it's also more convenient when we could share the same time zone. I will treat this study thing seriously. I hope it's a long-time stuff since learning language takes time and patience.

How do you feel about that? If you think it's OK, we can start to make a study plan! You can contact me on Italki or email([email protected]). We could study by Facetime, or WeChat, the app I introduced before. Skype is also OK with me. Just wanna pick one that connects smoothly. Then we can start learning!

Hope to hear from you soon. Good night!

1 juin 2015

I know this book《跟我学汉语综合课本》,北京师范大学出版,主编是陈怡),yeah,it's red cover,very glad to help your Chinese and learn from each other(^_^)

1 juin 2015

Crystal9291 - Yes the author was Chen Yi, the book is a red cover, and it is published by Peking University Press.  I am looking for someone to review lessons with me, translate some of the sections that are only written in Hanzi and just generally practice the material in each section with.  I am willing to go over ESL materials as well with my lanuage partners as I mentioned.


愛比 - The book series focuses on listening and speaking in the first two volumes and doesn't really teach writing until the 3rd and 4th volumes.  I am 99.99% sure it is simplified... But to be honest I haven't actaully been able to find that specified anywhere...  Thank you both for the reply!

1 juin 2015
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