First notebook entry: Introducing myself pagi! indonesia banak suka! ^ ^
11 août 2011 04:44
Corrections · 6

First notebook entry: Introducing myself

indonesia banak suka!
^ ^

Hi Jin! great to see your first notebook in Indonesian here, great start! for your future improvements, this is my suggestions. if you really mean, "Morning, I really like Indonesia" you can say


Saya suka sekali Indonesia

Good luck!


27 mars 2016

인도네시아 너무 좋아요 = indonesia banak suka! 


Saya sangat suka indonesia !


25 mars 2016

First notebook entry: Introducing myself

indonesia banak suka!
^ ^

You can say 

Selamat pagi!

Saya suka Indonesia


31 octobre 2014
If you want learn indonesia. I will help you. you can my id kakao or line : af121zal02
31 octobre 2014

First notebook entry: Introducing myself

indonesia banyak suka!

^ ^ 

Anyong haseyo,

What did you mean for your sentence ?

- I really like Indonesia = Saya sangat suka Indonesia

- Many people love Indonesia = Banyak orang suka Indonesia

- I like many things about Indonesia = Saya suka banyak hal tentang Indonesia


If you want to learn bahasa Indonesia, I'll happy to help you :-)




12 août 2011
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