Haydar Hatamipour
learning a language Getting the hang of a new language is not an easy activity. one needs to take into consideration diverse realities. in this writing I am going to sketch some important reasons. first the person willing to learn a language should pave the right way, he or she should consult the right person about what to do and where to begin. learners would not get too much if they walk the way on their own. secondly choosing the best materials for learning is of utmost priority. needless to say the learner will improve much if he or she begins with right book. thirdly a competent teacher can soothe the difficulties of learning a new language. last but not least the learners are supposed to equip themselves with both internal and external motivation. without motivation, learning a new language would lead to vanity, evaporating all efforts. it is concluded that learning a new language does not take shape in a vacuum, some criteria must also be heeded.
23 août 2014 00:43