Difficulty with vowels I am still having trouble hearing the differences of some of the Vietnamese vowels. I have attempted to write the phonetic transcription for each vowel, though some of them sound the same which is where the trouble lies. A /a/ as in cot  /ə/ as in asleep Ă /ae/ as in back O /Ɔ/ as in thaw Ô /o/ as in snow Ơ /-not exactly sure on this one. E /ɛ/ as in bed Ê /e/ as in paid U /u/ as in shoe Ư /u/ same but without rounding lips. I /i/ as in bead I have a lot ò trouble with Ơ and Â. If someone could look over what I have and maybe make corrections or if you have tips to better hear the differences. Thanks!
26 août 2014 04:15
Corrections · 6
Hi Kelli, I'm Thao. I'm a native Vietnamese speaker. I live in Hanoi, Vietnam. I am interested in learning English and I can also help you learn Vietnamese. I think "ơ" sound is pronounced like /ə/ sound in English. And "â" is pronounced with a higher tone than "ơ". You can follow this to improve your pronunciation and learn more
17 septembre 2014
"Ơ" i think it's pronun quite the same as your /ə/
7 septembre 2014 I think she is good tutor. I am willing to correct you this, dont hesitate to ask!
5 septembre 2014
Is there an "Answers" page for the Vietnamese language? There may be better resources there than this English Notebook page.
26 août 2014
I think Ơ and  are differrent . but i don't know how to show you .
26 août 2014
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