郑人买履 郑人有且置履者,先自度其足,而置之其坐。 至之市而忘操之。已得履,乃曰:“吾忘持度。” 反归取之。及反,市罢,遂不得履。人曰: “何不试之以足?” 曰“宁信度,无自信也。” A man from zheng is going to buy some shoes, first he measures his own feet then puts and puts the ruler on a seat. Heading off to the market he had forgot to take it along. On taking the shoes, he said " I've forgotten to bring my ruler" He went back to get it. When he arrived back in the market he found all the stalls had closed so he wouldn't be able to get his shoes. A fellow said "why don't you just see if they fit your feet?" To which he replied " I'd rather believe in measurements than in myself."
16 sept. 2014 04:49
Corrections · 6
Good translation, even though I think that the first sentence of the original should be 郑人有欲买履者。
21 octobre 2014
Great translation. I don't find any noticeable misunderstanding of the classical text.
21 octobre 2014
It's so amazing that you can translate Chinese writings in classical style. 你真厉害!
17 septembre 2014
I'm sorry, Ken, I made a mistake. What I want to say is that your Chinese is amazing. ^_^And I agree that it ironically tells us to do in a practical way. Anyway, we should stick to the principle and be flexible as well.
16 septembre 2014
I am British .... I should think my English would be ok. Actually this is just an assignment from one of my classes.... I assume it's saying it's better to act in a practical way than do everything in a theoretical unchanging say.
16 septembre 2014
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