Junior J Rodriguez H
Spear Fishing I was reading an article about some sort of sports which take place under the water at sea. One of them is called "Spear Fishing". It is basically diving, but you have to catch fish with a spear that spears guns which uses surgical rubber to propel the spear. If the fish is edible and of legal size you can catch it. Sometimes the divers come across sharks attracted by the taste of blood left behind by the dead fish. Sometimes it turns dangerous so they have a float where dead fish are put and then floats a fair away from actually where they are fishing, but if there have been too many sharks you would have to get out of the water.
18 sept. 2014 02:29
Corrections · 2

Spear Fishing

I was reading an article about different types of sports which take place under the water at sea. One of them is called "Spear Fishing". It is basically diving, but you have to catch fish with a spear, that you fire from a speargun, which uses surgical rubber to propel the spear. If the fish is edible and of legal size you can keep it. Sometimes the divers come across sharks attracted by the taste of blood left behind by the dead fish. Sometimes it turns dangerous so they have a float where the dead fish are put which floats a fair away from actually where they are fishing, however if there are too many sharks you would have to get out of the water.


Red = corrections. Blue = suggestions.



19 septembre 2014

Spear Fishing

I was reading an article about some sort of sports which take place under the water at sea. One of them is called "Spear Fishing". It is basically diving but you have to catch fish with a spear that spears guns which uses surgical rubber to propel the spear. If the fish is edible and of legal size you can catch it. Sometimes the divers come across sharks attracted by the taste of blood left behind by the dead fish so they have a float where dead fish are put and then floats a fair away from actually where they are fishing. If there was too many sharks you would have to get out of the water.

18 septembre 2014
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