My daily activites Daily I wakeup from bed at 7am in the morning.I searched for my clothes to wear, which took me lot of time to decide the style of the dress has to wear today. I took 1hr to get ready for the office. After I dresses up, I had milk with brown sugar and left the house at 8am to catch the train. It took me 20minutes to walk from my home to the train station. Among all the 20 minutes of my walk, 8mins go for the signal timings because the signals doesn't work in a proper way and are very bad which waste most of my time in spending for the signals. The train journey took 40mins to reach to my office. I try to be in office before 9:00am. Once i reached my cabin in office, i opened my laptop and checked for mails. Today, i saw a very interesting mail about my work which related to the appreciation of the work i did day before yesterday. I replied to that and read some books related to the god and then i went to have coffee. I brought coffee to my place and started working on the issues. After sometime, my manager asked me to meet him which pushes me to think about why he asked me to meet him lot of questions running in my mind, felt nervous,tension,excited. In the meeting he discussed more with the work am doing and asked me to complete the work he, the whole today is hectic for me with lot of work deadlines. I had fruits for my lunch.After lunch i spent time with one of my teammate to discuss more about the issues am working on and clear all the questions i had. I left at 7:00pm from office to catch the train. The train is very full and there is no space for not even to stand. I met my old friend in train. We both went to italian place for to have dinner. We talked lot of stuff related to my common friends and then i left to home by 11pm. After i reached home, i went to bed.
1 oct. 2014 22:36