The proper way to refer to yourself and other in Vietnamese In Vietnamese language, the proper way to refer to yourself and others depends on age, gender, and relationship. Tôi (I -often used when you are talking to a stranger, but it can be used in all occasions and only pronoun can be used in polite speech ) Bạn (Friend - refers to people you know who is around your age) Ba/Cha (Father) Mẹ/Má (Mother) Con (Child). Con is also used to refer to all animals. For example "Con thỏ" means "the rabbit" Em (Younger person, used for a younger sister, younger female relative, or a female acquaintance who is younger than you, but older than a child) Anh (Older male who is older than you by up to 10-15 years, used for a brother, male relative, or a male acquaintance) Chị (Older female who is older than you by up to 10-15 years, used for a sister, female relative, or a female acquaintance) Cô (Aunt- refers to your father's sisters- both younger and older aunt or "Miss" or "Young Mrs." woman older than you by 20 years or more. or your female teacher-regardless of age) Chú (Uncle- refers to your father's younger brother or "Mister" to refer to a man who is older than you by 20 years old or more, but younger than your father) Bác (Uncle-refers to your father's older brother or a mature person who is older than your father) Cậu (Uncle - refers to your mother's brothers-both younger and older brother) Ông (Grandfather or a senior man who is about the age of your grandfather or older) Bà (Grandmother or a senior woman who is about the age of your grandmother or older)
21 janv. 2015 23:32