Enseignant professionnel
"The Black Tiger" Arabic movie with English subtitles The first love story in Egyptian cinema was between an Egyptian and a German woman She was falling in Love with Egypt She helped him to learn German He was in Germany for work follow the link below : -------------------------------- http://goo.gl/wyqCLb full movie youtube : ----------------------------- http://goo.gl/sp1nkN
22 janv. 2015 19:04
Corrections · 3
Thank you for the reply. The movie without english subtitles?
6 juin 2020
6 juin 2020
The movie is not there
6 juin 2020
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Compétences linguistiques
Arabe, Arabe (égyptien), Arabe (Golfe), Arabe (levantin), Arabe (standard moderne), Catalan, Anglais, Français, Allemand
Langue étudiée
Arabe (Golfe), Arabe (levantin), Catalan, Anglais, Français, Allemand