Translating the news (Chinese to English) #2 新疆与ISIS的斗争 I have translated a Chinese news article into English. Please can you check that I have understood the article correctly and that my translation is accurate. Please pay special attention to paragraphs 4 and 5, as I found this part the most difficult. . Because of the word limit, I will put my translation in the corrections box. Thank you. 新疆与ISIS的斗争 Xinjiang's battle against ISIS 3月10日,新疆维吾尔自治区(简称新疆)一位高级官员首次证实:新疆一些居民已经从新疆地区跨越边境,加入激进组织“伊斯兰国(ISIS)”。 新疆党委书记、新疆最高领导人张春贤说:“一些新疆居民已经非法越过边界。伊斯兰国家的激进组织的国际影响力正在不断增长,而新疆同样也受其影响。” 据了解,ISIS已经占领了叙利亚东部的大部分地区和伊拉克北部及西部,不断进行恐怖活动,例如不久前报道的绑架日本人质事件。这对世界各国来说是一种极大的威胁,需要联合国际与之战斗。新疆深受宗教极端主义的影响,导致该地区以及邻近区域近年来不断遭受恐怖袭击。去年,中国政府就逮捕了一些企图跨越边境、加入恐怖主义和极端主义组织的人员。 “在新疆和田南部地区,一些人已经受到了伊斯兰激进组织的影响,”新疆某县委员指出,“但我们所采取的消除宗教极端主义措施可以控制这一新局面。” 新疆一直在为清除宗教极端主义而努力,当极端分子回击的时候,新疆还付出过很大的代价。中国政府也在该地区做了大量工作,来确保社会的稳定。但努力仍需要继续,现状仍不容乐观。 新疆伊斯兰研究所所长表示,新疆地区有超过1200万穆斯林,占中国穆斯林人口的52%。引导他们走上正确的道路、远离宗教极端主义是一个国家安全问题。新疆总体形势是稳定、可控的。但受国际形势影响,该地区的恐怖活动一直比较活跃。相信在中国政府打击恐怖主义和极端主义的努力下,恐怖袭击会大大减少。 同时,新疆伊斯兰研究所所长还强调,在新疆农村地区推广普通话教育也非常重要,掌握普通话可以帮助他们多接触社会,增加就业机会,从而不会封闭自己,不易被恐怖分子控制。
27 mars 2015 10:44
Corrections · 1

My translation


On March the 3rd, in Xinjiang Uighur autonomous region (commonly called Xinjiang) a high level official confirmed for the first time that a few residents of Xinjiang have already crossed the areas borders to join the extremist group “ The Islamic State” (ISIS).


Xinjiang’s party secretary and Xin Jiang’s senior leader Zhang Chunxian said: “A few Xinjiang residents have already crossed the border illegally. The Islamic countries radical organization international influence continues to grow, and Xinjiang is also being affected.


From what we understand, ISIS already occupies the majority of east Syria, and north and eastern Iraq, where they continually carry out acts of terrorism, for example the recent kidnapping of Japanese hostages. This is an enormous threat for all countries, and we need to unite internationally and fight against it. Xinjiang has been deeply affected by religious extremism which has led to it and neighboring areas suffering terrorist attacks over the last few years. Last year, the Chinese government apprehend several people attempting to cross the border in order to join terrorist and extremist groups.


“In Xinjiang, in North Hetian, a few people have already felt the effects of radical extremist groups”, a county Councillor points out, “but the measures we are taking to eliminate religious extremism can control this new situation.


Xinjiang is continuously making efforts to eliminate religious extremism, when extremists fight back, Xinjiang has continued to pay a great price. The Chinese government has also do a huge amount of work in the area in order to ensure societies stability. However, the efforts need to continue as the current situation does not look good.


The head of Xinjiang’s Islamic research centre said, there are over one hundred and twenty thousand Muslims in Xinjiang, and they make up 52% of China’s Muslims. Getting them to walk the right path, far away from extremism is a matter of national security. In Xinjiang, overall, the situation is stable and under control. However terrorist activity continues to grow in the area in response to the international situation. We believe the terrorist attacks terrorism and extremism will decrease as a result of the government’s efforts to combat it.


At the same time, the head of Xinjiang’s Islamic research centre emphasizes, it is also extremely important to increase teaching of Mandarin in Xinjiang’s rural areas, understanding Mandarin can help them connect more with society, and increase employment opportunity, when you don’t isolate yourself, it is difficult to be controlled by terrorists.



27 mars 2015
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