A strange dream I saw he was standing there, his hands and cloth were full of blood. He was appearing to me then starting throw up again. It was blood. I couldn't stand with it, I couldn't stand to see blood was everywhere on him. He grabbed me and asked me to lend him my hand for taking a medicine on his bag. I did what he was asked and gave the medicine to him.... strangely, he recovered soon. I saw him standing in the corner, starring at me while smoking, then an Alarm started ringing. It woke me up, I was relief. It was just a dream, a strange dream.
29 mars 2015 13:41
Corrections · 9

A strange dream

I saw he was standing there, his hands and clothes were full of blood. He was appearing to me* then was starting to throw up again. It was blood. I couldn't stand with it, I couldn't stand to see blood was everywhere on him. He grabbed me and asked me to lend him my hand for taking a medicine on in his bag. I did what he was asked and gave the medicine to him.... strangely, he recovered quickly soon. I saw him standing in the corner, starring at me while smoking, then an alarm started ringing. It woke me up, It was relief. It was just a dream, a strange dream.


Very nice - but strange - story! :)

*He had appeared to me = completed action

** he was appearing to me = he was in the process of appearing to you, the action was not yet completed. 

In most contexts, the first one would be correct, but in a dream "was appearing" is possible :) !


quickly/soon -  my students like this video:



29 mars 2015
I think so Kim.Thank you for the correction, I really appreciated :)
29 mars 2015
You must have a nightmare. Your writting has some grammatical mistakes, such as I did what he asked, not was asked.
29 mars 2015
I had prayed before sleep actually that night :(
29 mars 2015
You should pray before you go to bed.
29 mars 2015
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