Art of dating - Hello. Oh, I'm sorry, are you okay? - Yes, sure, and you? - Oh yes… of course yes, I just think… - What? - The weather is good, isn’t it? - Oh yes! Nice. And warm. - E-e – e- h… I was wondering if…. - If what? - Break-ups are getting so common things nowadays, aren’t they? - I suppose, yes - You shouldn’t mess with the first person you come across in a public place, I mean in the subway or central park, or… - Oh yes, sure! - Just imagine, how could you be interested in someone who penetrates into your private life asking you for a date just to make up for the lost time. A late bloomer whose real goal is just to handle your finance. Who knows what kind of agenda he has in his mind? You don’t think it’s a good idea to be involved in such kind of business, do you? - Oh yes, you are right. I think life’s kind of hard all around. Male egos, gossips’re everywhere and these newly appeared men and women – he is trying to generate relationship out of air and she is wearing a stamp of “fuck off” on her forehead. - Exactly! If you want to be on the safe side you need to watch yourself, lest you send the wrong signal – powerful suit, powerful tie, powerful steering, you know, big tips, and that’s it - you look like the rich! I’ve never had a passion for adventures, you know. My roommate Miranda will always say: “You know what Jack, we can’t afford to take risks, a kind of swing for the fence and the stuff like that - what for? - One hundred percent! I can’t agree more! - Really? Right! Let’s get together tomorrow morning then to go over some more points of the matter. I have really much to share with you on this stuff. Frankly speaking I haven’t told even a half of Miranda’s stories which could shock and awe anyone without exception. Oh really! Great! I’m really looking forward to… Did I give you my phone number Jack? No? Shame! Could you please write it down?... -Surely.
18 avr. 2015 08:01