What is the difference between "Cleaning up" and just "Cleaning" Example: " The woman is cleaning up the car". If I use "The woman is cleaning the car", it's wrong? Why? Thanks...
22 avr. 2015 02:11
Corrections · 3

Clean up is a phrasal verb, which can also mean to win a lot of money, "she cleaned up at the casino".


In your examples, both are correct.


What is the difference between "Cleaning up" and just "Cleaning"

" The woman is cleaning up the car".

If I use "The woman is cleaning the car", it's wrong? Why? This is correct.


23 avril 2015
"The woman is cleaning the car." Is not wrong! Cleaning up and cleaning are almost the same thing! Cleaning up usually means "picking up" as in, "The woman is cleaning up (or picking up) garbage." or "I am cleaning up my room." Cleaning is used in general. "I am cleaning my house." or "You did a good job cleaning." I am not a linguistics professional, but I'm a native speaker, and we say both and neither are wrong!
22 avril 2015
"The woman is cleaning up the car" and "the woman is cleaning the car" are the same and mean the same thing. Both are OK, but "cleaning" is more common.
22 avril 2015
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