The Beautiful Mind Renowned Princeton mathematician John Nash, the Nobel prize laureat, was killed in a car inccidence together with his wife in New Jersey USA. I know Nash by a movie named "the beautiful mind", the story of Nash's lifetime. The movie touching me and get much more my tears. However, today I know it is only a story, but not the really life of Nash. Nash had been forced to psychiatric hospital twice, but he annouced that he cure himself, not the doctors and their medician. Perhaps in some factor Nash is right. Nash is benefit of the kindly, forgivable, and free Princeton. For a great deal of years , he walked up and down the campus, writed many strange and complicating famulas on blackboard. All of the managers and teachers never interfered with him, but just let him be. After he got the Nobel Prize, many people, familiars or strangers, would come to him, smile and say,"congraduations! professor N ash." Nash was accepted as a normal person again, I do not know it is Nash who changed or the rule to determine a psychosis changed. Anyway, even the movie is false or true, there are many people around John Nash who have a beautiful mind and kind heart, this is more important.
25 mai 2015 06:31
Corrections · 1

The Beautiful Mind

The Rrenowned Princeton University mathematician John Nash, the Nobel pPrize laureate, was killed in a car inccidence accident together with his wife in New Jersey USA.

I know Nash by from a movie named called "tThe bBeautiful mMind", the a story of Nash's lifetime. The movie touchinged me to tears and get much more my tears. However, today I know it is was only a story, but not the rather than a really life recording of Nash.

Nash had been forced to go into the psychiatric hospital twice, but he announced that it was he who cured himself, not the doctors and their medician medicines. Perhaps in to some factor extent Nash is was right.

Nash is benefited of from the kindly, forgivable, and free Princeton Universtiy. For a great deal of many years , he had been wandering on walked up and down the campus, writed writing many strange and complicatinged famulas formulas/equations on blackboard. All of the managers administrative staff and teachers had never interfered with him, but just let him be.

After he got the Nobel Prize, many people, familiares/acquaintances or strangers, would come to meet/approach him, smile and say,"cCongraduations! pProfessor Nash."

Nash was accepted as a normal person again,. I do not know it is was Nash who had changed or the rule to determine/diagnose a psychosis had changed. Anyway, even no matter whether the movie is false or true/true or not, there are many people around John Nash had been surrounded by many people who have a beautiful minds and kind hearts, this is more important.

29 mai 2015
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