Sentences II 你得给我解释很多 You have some serious explaining to do 他不是医生吗 Isn't he a doctor 我们确认在六个月以后举行婚礼 我要赔偿损失 I want to make up the losses 我们需要两个设施 该修理了 It's time for repairs 那个低于我的标准 That's below my standards * 这棵树的周长三米 The circumference of that tree was 3 meters * 您播的电话号码未拨通 The number you called was not received 化妆把我的脸显得很怪 The makeup has made my face very weird * 蜣螂幼虫在粪球中饮食和生长 The dung beetle larva eats and grows inside the poop * 我们想搜查你的公寓 I want to search your apartment * 我想租两间房 I want to rent 2 rooms 他已经原谅了我这件事故了 He has already forgiven me for the accident 老师组成两组学生 The teacher forms two groups of students 我用尖的物品去刺别人可以得到钱 I get paid to stab people with sharp objects 我想永远准备不好 I don't ever want to be ready 那是你偷的吗 Is That stolen 你作贼已经恶名昭著了 You are already notorious as thieves 那些树九月就会变成红色了 Those trees will turn red in September 他会遗传这个智慧 He will pass on this wisdom 我会以他的名字称呼他 I will call him by name 你会为你对我家人做的事情付出代价 You will pay for what you did to my family 神有一个计划给你 God has a plan for you 你得找到那些藏着的人 You have to find the hiding people 这个国家东临太平洋 This country is to the west of the Pacific Ocean 我会再进一步说他那样做是对的 I will go another step further and said that he was right to do that 英格兰把加拿大从世界杯中淘汰出去了 England has eliminated Scotland from the World Cup 我会替你接管 I will take over for you * 我们在这个伟大计划中都有角色 We have a role to play in this great plan * 这个字就类似于四个A相连 This character is similar to 4 connected A's 我听到足够的关于这个怪物会对它抓到的人的故事了 I've heard enough stories about what the monster does to the people it catches 我们在发展最好的版本 We are developing the best version 我们当时可能会发现一切的 We would have found out everything 让船(身)保持 在水面上/ 让船保持漂浮在水上 我对这个作为学术概念感兴趣 I am interested in it as an academic concept 这个团队是最好的团队,我认为 this team is the best team, I think 我没有生活 I don't have a life 别那么紧握着手 你不会夺取我,死亡 You won't have me, death 我喜欢你说这个的若无其事的态度 I like the casual way you say it 别把他看得太个人 Don't take him too personally 青就是三种颜色的意思:黑蓝和绿
4 juil. 2015 19:24
Corrections · 1
Hi, Photons. This notebook entry is a bit long and some lack English version. Try write something shorter next time.
27 juillet 2015
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