A effective way to talk generally, and tell your opinion. As an English learner, I'm facing a conversation skill issue. When I'm in a conversation, I tend to start a sentence with "I ~." or "You ~." Starting a sentence with those makes you sound you have a strong opinion? What's the effective way/rule to make it sound softer and general talk so you don't piss people off with your talk??? Thank you!!
28 août 2015 05:24
Corrections · 5

An effective way to talk generally, and give tell your opinion.

As an English learner, I'm facing a conversation skill issue.

When I'm in a conversation, I tend to start a sentence with "I ~." or "You ~." Does starting a sentence with those makes you sound as if you have a strong opinion? What's an the effective way/rule to make it sound softer and general talk so you don't piss people off with your conversation? talk???

Thank you!!

You would have to give an example of a sentence you have used that you think is offensive.

28 août 2015
Say, when I'm chatting with friends about their problems, I tend to say "I think" "I don't think" "I don't ~" "You should" "why don't you ~" etc often. I didn't mean to force them to do what I say. I always mean to sound softer and nicer. I don't want myself to sound I have a strong opinion. At the same time, I don't know where to solve the problem as long as I'm a self learner and no partner around. Chatting online is never as same as a face-to-face talk. Ps. As you can see, I'm using a lot of "I don't" and sentences with "I".
28 août 2015
Starting a sentence when you're talking with somebody whether it's in person or messages usually is okay. I guess it just depends on what you are saying. Could you give an example of what you mean?
28 août 2015
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