I want to break down the barriers in languages!) I finished the Moscow Medical University and i had degree in medicine as a pharmacist. But I didn't find myself in this profession. Now I study acting skills in one of the best theatre schools in my country and I want to develop in this direction. I also don't want to live permanently in one place, I need to travel. So I want to learn different languages and to break down the barriers in languages!)). So... If you find errors in my texts, please fix them) Thanks. Yours, Mary.
5 sept. 2015 12:11
Corrections · 6

I want to break down the barriers in languages!)

I finished the Moscow Medical University and i had degree in medicine as a pharmacist. But I didn't find myself in this profession. Now I study acting skills in one of the best theatre schools in my country and I want to develop in this direction. I also don't want to live permanently in one place, I need to travel. So I want to learn different languages and to break down the barriers in languages!)). So...
If you find errors in my texts, please fix them) Thanks. Yours, Mary.



I want to break down the language barrier!


I graduated from Moscow Medical University with a pharmacy degree, but that profession didn't suit me.  Now I am studying acting in one of the best theatre schools in Russia.  I want to develop in this direction.

I don't want to live permanently in one place.  I need to travel, so I want to learn different languages.  I want to break down the language barrier!

5 septembre 2015
Hi! I'm Colt in New York. I'm glad to help you improve your spoken English. I help online for free, always! I use only ooVoo to teach and help. Please download and make an account and let me know your ooVoo ID. We can then begin! Thanks! :)
10 décembre 2015

I want to break down the barriers in languages language barriers (<em>устойчивое выражение</em>)

I finished have graduated  from  (<em>устойчивое выражение</em>) the Moscow Medical University and i had degree in medicine as a pharmacist I have a degree in pharmacy (<em>здесь нужен именно Present Perfect потому что действие происходило в прошлом - ты училась в университете - и имеет результат в настоящем - ты выпустилась, у тебя есть диплом. Он же есть, а не был?</em> <em>Что касается твоего degree, то ошибки здесь нет, но происходит нагромождение, поэтому проще, лучше и лаконичнее сказать просто in pharmacy</em>). But I didn't find myself in this profession. Now I study acting skills (<em>можно просто </em><em>acting</em>) in one of the best theatre schools in my country and I want to develop in this direction. I also don't want to live permanently in one place, I need to travel. So I want to learn different languages and to break down the barriers in languages language barriers!)). So...
If you find errors in my texts, please fix them) Thanks. Yours, Mary.

Молодец! Очень хорошо!



10 décembre 2015
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