Analyize the structure of this sentence, please! The structure of this sentence: "Add to the mix our own era's drive to have and do it all--work, family,sports, hobbies--and there is very little time left for rest." please!
5 mai 2011 02:32
Réponses · 1
There is probably a previously mentioned 'mix' in the former sentence. Add to that mix the following: work ,family,sports and hobbies Those are ALL the things we are driven to have and do in our era, it is specific of our time to want to achieve and accomplish all that at a time. As a result of that we have merely any time left to rest. It all refers to the contemporary hectic life style,that leaves one no time for relaxation, rest and just the 'doing nothing' space,that one needs sometimes for their own well-being.
5 mai 2011
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