Hristina Pereska
How is it in your mother language...? I will tell you in mine... The alphabet , cyrilic kirilica, кирилица А а [а:] Б б [b: ] В в [v:] Г г [g;] Д д [d:] Ѓ ѓ [glj:] Е е [e;] Ж ж [jh:] З з [z:] Ѕ ѕ [zh:] И и [i:} Ј ј [j:] К к [k:] Л л [l:] Љ љ [lj:] М м [m:] Н н [n:] Њњ [nj:] Оо [o:] П п [p:] Р р [ r:] С с [s:] Т т [t:] Ќ ќ [kj:] У у [u:] Ф ф [f:] Х х[h:] Ц ц [c:] Ч ч [ch:] Џ џ [jh;] Ш ш [ sh] it's easy you write just like you speak How do you say Hello ? Здраво ! How do you say good morning ? Добро утро ! Good day ? Добар ден! Good evening ? Добро попладне! Good night? Добра вечер! Goodbye? Догледање! Како се викаш ? What's your name? Од каде си ?Where are you from? Што работиш , студираш? -What are you working , studying? Благодарам? Thank you
18 janv. 2013 13:06
Réponses · 10
Hello - ciao Good morning - buongiorno Good afternoon - buon pomeriggio Good evening - buonasera Goodnight - buonanotte Goodbye - arrivederci See you - ci vediamo What's your name? come ti chiami? My name's Claudio - mi chiamo Claudio Where are you from? da dove provieni? what are you working, studying? Che lavoro stai facendo, quali studi stai compiendo? I'm working as salesman - lavoro come venditore I'm learning German - sto studiando il tedesco
18 janvier 2013
The Slovak alphabet: AÄBDFGHIKLMNOPQRSTUWXYZ - pronounced just like in German The interesting characters: J - like "I" in "Iason" V and W are pronounced the same Long vowels: Á É Í Ó Ú - just pronounce it longer than usually, so for example Á/á you read like in the name Aaron Soft consonants" Č - "ch" in English Ď - sounds like "dj" Ň - like Spanisch "ñ" in señorita Ľ - like "lj" in Saljut Š - "sh" in English Ť - "tj" - Sounds a little bit like "t" in "I want you" Ž - like "j" in French "Bonjour" Long consonants (crazy I know) : Ĺ - lll Ŕ - rrr Taste of the language: ******************************************************************** How do you say Hello? Ahoj! How do you say good morning? Dobré ráno! Good day? Dobrý deň! Good evening ? Dobrý večer! Good night? Dobrú noc! Goodbye? Dovidenia! What's your name? Ako sa voláš/voláte (polite from) ? Where are you from? Odkiaľ si/ste? What studying? Čo študuješ/študujete? Thank you Ďakujem
21 janvier 2013
* it :)
18 janvier 2013
You *will use them :) and , yes write it in Italian, I know some of them , but will be also useful :)
18 janvier 2013
thank you.. useful.. so when I chat with you.. I use them :))
18 janvier 2013
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Hristina Pereska
Compétences linguistiques
Chinois (mandarin), Anglais, Allemand, Italien, Macédonien, Portugais, Russe, Espagnol
Langue étudiée
Chinois (mandarin), Allemand, Italien, Portugais, Russe, Espagnol