What should I do I fall in love with a boy.So I offered to add his microblogd,and my best friend to do the same thing.there's no matter with me.But that boy chat with her,and not with me.I fell upset.It makes me unhappy.What should I do.I like the boy has been a long time.
16 avr. 2014 15:12
Réponses · 10
In the first place ,chat with ur best friend ,if she can't give u a good way to deal with the relationship of the boy ur best friend and u ,just break up with her .whats the fucking best friend?!
16 avril 2014
just shot her ........but only in ur mind not real
16 avril 2014
Tell him that you crush on him. I thought its a best way
16 avril 2014
You should tell the girl it makes it makes you feel upset. Tell her to stop talking to him, and start doing more things with him.
31 mai 2015
Yes Tell him that you crush on him.
4 mai 2014
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