How to say these in Hindi? After analyzing the suspect's written statement, the inspector determined that the suspect is lying since there were major inconsistencies behind his statement. Those who glorify these crimes as equally as culpable as the ones who commit them. It's only because of his courage that he brought his brother's murderers to justice. The concept of blaming the female victim and outrage at immodesty of women is entrenched in that society.
26 juil. 2014 17:32
Réponses · 1
After analyzing the suspect's written statement, the inspector determined that the suspect is lying since there were major inconsistencies behind his statement आरोपी के लिखित बयान के विश्लेषण के बाद इंस्पेक्टर इस नतीजे पर पहुंचा कि आरोपी झूठ बोल रहा था क्योंकि उसमें काफी विसंगतियां थीं. Those who glorify these crimes as equally as culpable as the ones who commit them. जो लोग जुर्मों का महिमामंडन करते हैं वे उन लोगों की तरह ही गुनहगार हैं जो वे जुर्म करते हैं. It's only because of his courage that he brought his brother's murderers to justice. यह सिर्फ उसकी हिम्मत ही थी जिसके कारण वह अपने भाई के हत्यारे को सजा दिलवा पाया. The concept of blaming the female victim and outrage at immodesty of women is entrenched in that society. पीड़िता को दोष देना और औरतों की निर्लज्जता पर गुस्सा उस समाज में अन्तर्निहित है
29 juillet 2014
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