Mauricio Arango
"反而"及"反過來" 大家好, 你們可以解釋我這兩個字的意思和用法嗎? 反而 反過來 我不但不明白他們的用法,也不明白兩個的區別 謝謝
17 août 2014 03:57
Réponses · 8
I agree with most of the answers, but I guess it will be helpful if summarizing them. 反而, it can be used to describe a reverse fact, no matter positive or negative.It usually indicates sth. beyond expectations. Quoting the examples from Yvonnewu and smile: 哥哥很矮,弟弟反而很高。(neutral) 我帮了你,你反而责怪我。(negative) 反而,反过来 can be replacements, but you need to be careful when replacing them, because they are very likely in different sentence structures. Examples: 我帮了你,你反而责怪我。==>我帮了你,你 [却/还] 反过来责怪我。(Add 却 or 还, when using 反过来. 却 makes the sentence sounds more formal, while 还 is more colloquial.) To my understanding, there are some cases when they can not be replacements, or it sounds very odd if you replace then. 1) The case it is better to use 反而---when indicating a neutral fact. 哥哥很矮,弟弟反而很高。 If replaced---->哥哥很矮,反过来,弟弟却很高。It sounds wordy to me. 2) The case it is better to use 反过来--when expressing "in turn" "the other way round" or vice versa. 2.1. when the two things are in equivalent status 理论的基础是实践,反过来理论又为实践服务.(Theory is based on practice and in turn serves practice. ) 反过来也是一样.( It's the same the other way round. ) 2.2. when involving two parties, it is like a "revenge".( Party A hit back at Party B's action or remarks) Mary指责Tom的粗鲁, Tom反过来指责Mary的懒惰。(Mary accused Tom of being rude, Tom in turn blamed Mary for her laziness.) Hope that helps. Better refer to a dictionary. There are far more examples that I could list. :)
18 août 2014
17 août 2014
18 août 2014
反而=on the contrast, but 反过来=in return You helped me before,反过来,it is my responsibility to help you now. You helped me before,反而,I didn't help you when you were in trouble.
17 août 2014
反而=> 卻、相反地 (on the contrast, but) 反過來=> 行為上跟期待的相反 (behavior against what has been expected) 哥哥矮了一點,弟弟反而比較高。 百貨公司的衣服賣得反而比市場的便宜。 我對你這麼好,你還反過來罵我。 我對你這麼壞,你不罵我,還反過來幫助我。
17 août 2014
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Mauricio Arango
Compétences linguistiques
Arabe (égyptien), Arabe (standard moderne), Chinois (mandarin), Anglais, Français, Portugais, Espagnol
Langue étudiée
Arabe (égyptien), Arabe (standard moderne), Chinois (mandarin), Français